Once upon a time, a boy used to write stories for fun that grossed out his classmates.
He read way too much Stephen King and Edgar Allan Poe for his own good. Although the short stories were fun (and the reactions were great), the boy did what so many boys do. He grew up. He learned to play guitar, went to college, dated, married, had a kid, divorced, married again, had some more kids, divorced again, then married again. He worked, paid bills, and did what adults do.
One day, the boy who was now not a boy decided to write another story. He’d done creative things with music since those earlier days. He wrote songs and performed in front of crowds. He even wrote a whole musical in the stylings of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra (if you haven’t heard of them before, you are seriously missing out). But he remembered those telling those stories and wanted to capture the minds of readers, to invent worlds for people to get lost in. So the man slipped back into his boyhood, sat down behind a keyboard, and started to tell a story.
If you couldn’t tell with this section being named About Me, I’m that boy/man. My name is Brad Ricks. I live in Temple, TX, with my wife Terri, and our kids. We have five together: Amberly, Logan, Nena, Avery, and Jacob.
Brad Ricks